Active learning

Engagement Theory
According to Kearsley and Shneiderman (1998) to truly enagage learners in ICT learning they need to Relate, Create and Donate. RELATE to a real-world problem scenario that is messy and ill-structured. CREATE, in small teams, solutions to this problem and then DONATE the solution back into the real world.

Dales cone and the Learning pyramid

Dales cone (Edger Dale 1960's) shows the learning styles which are least effective to the most effective. The more effective styles involve engagement, which according to Siemans is essential for learning in the 21st century. My only formal learning experiences has been high school and after calculating my scores according to the learning pyramid I found that I had a very average learning, which is what i expected.

Mazlow's Hiearachy of Needs
I strongly agree with Mazlows theory that in order to learning to happen certain needs must be satisfied. I found it very interesting when Mazlow commented on the need for "standards," "achievement," and "curriculum." to return in order for dropout rates and low IQ to reduce. I believe it is important that the hiearchy of needs are met before this can be successfully achieved.

Kearsley, G & Shneiderman, B 1999, Learning Engagement Theory: A framework for technology-based teaching and learning.

Norman KuncAxis Consultation and Training Ltd. The Need to Belong:Rediscovering Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs; accessed July 18 2009:

Patterson, J., Purkey, S., & Parker. J. (1986). Productive school systems for a nonrational world. Alexandria, VA: Association for Supervision and Curriculum Development.

George Siemens (2004) Connectivism: A Learning Theory for the Digital Age, accessed 20 June 2009;

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